
Showing posts from March, 2022

hw 3/29: a few primitives


more possible final references


midterm stylized render


final still life references

Karate Kid still life (minus the hand in the corner)  This shot from lord of the rings of the table. I'm still looking for a clear picture

final midterm ambient occlusion


final midterm render


midterm progress 3/15/2022

I'm struggling to texture the books, but I should be done by the end of the day. Something weird is also happening where the textures are showing up in the workspace, but not in either the old or newer renderer. Is there any way to fix that?

classwork 3/03/2022

 sorry for the fireflies. I turned my samples up and it was stuck at 14% on the renderer forever :')

midterm hw 3/03/2022

I'm still modeling, but I only have a few more objects left. I put in a skydome, which is what I could find that most closely represents my room where I took my reference image. I will probably tinker more with the lighting and add some more point light because I have bright string lights across my room (not in reference) that I use to light my room along with natural outside light.